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Commission AMASI

Lecturers, Masters, Experts

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 Professor Hiroshi Hosokawa


Professor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science - AMASI.

Doctor of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science - AMAS.

Professor Hiroshi Hosokawa is the Continuator and Cultivator of the tradition of the Great Lineage of the Hosokawa Clan.


Professor Hosokawa Hiroshi's ancestor, Tadatoshi Hosokawa San, was a swordsman of the Tokugawa shogunate during the Tokugawa shogunate era. He was also a military commander in Kyushu and Kumamoto Castle.

Professor Hiroshi Hosokawa is the Founder and Leader of the Hosokawa Dojo in Japan in Osaka

System Hosokawa Soken Ryu Hyouho.


Dr. Dariusz Gurgul

Doctorate of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science - Academy of Martial Arts Science International - AMASI

Dr. Honoris Causa - Real Instituto de Estudios Templarios y Nobiliarios ( Royal Institute of Templar and Nobility Studies ).

Specialization : Sports Manager - Diploma issued by Sports Federation.

- Ekspert / Instruktor Krav Maga – ICSI

  Qualified and authorized by:
  Israeli College for Security and Investigation - ICSI in Petah Tikva Israel

- Level : Master Teacher - AKMA
  Unarmed - Krav Maga & Armed - Israeli Combat Shooting (Israeli Tactical Response Methods)                                                              

- Firearm Instructor - Legitimation issued by the relevant Ministry.

- Shooting Range Officer license issued by the League of National Protection.

- Instructor Program GSR - Rapid Response Group.

- Lecturer / Expert Defensive Tactics  for Law Enforcement - DTLEO

  ( Team Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement Officers - DTLEO )

- Instructor Combatives

- Trainer Boxing, Muay Thai, MMA

Dr. Pietro Spadaro
Doctorate of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science - AMASI

Grand Master Pietro Spadaro is the founder, head of Kobushi Riu Ju Jitsu, founded in 1996-1997.
From 1979 to 2012 (33 years) he served in the Guardia di Finanza in Italy. He is qualified as a Judo Instructor and Self-Defense Instructor.

Instructor in Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement Officer.

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Master Kancho Yehuda Levy
Hall of Fame ( HOF ) AMASI
Academy Combat Yehuda Survival - Rehavot - Israel  - Yehuda Survival  Combined with Martial Arts

Head Master Soke Yehuda Levy 10 th Dan Red Belt

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Master John Harris

Master 8 th Degree Red & Black Belt in Freestyle Martial Arts. Teacher Full Circle Combatives and Jiu-Jitsu, Krav Maga, Kickboxing, Self Defense.
Integrated Martial Arts Academy  in Pennsylvania, Abington - USA. Master John Harris is also a certified Shiatsu practitioner.
Mr. Harris has competed in numerous tournaments over his 14 year Sport Karate career. He is a 2 time International Grand Champion, 5 time International Champion, 7 time National Champion. 

 - 2010 World Karate Union Hall Of Hame- Master of the year (TSD)

 - 2011 inducted into the North American Federation of Martial Arts Hall of Fame, NAFMA

 - 2011 School of th year- Legends of the Martial Arts Hall of Fame

 - 2012 WKU Hall of Fame- Self Defense Master of the year

 - 2015 Philadelphia Historic Martial Arts Society Hall of Fame

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Master David Rick Villalobos

Professor of Philosophy in Martial Arts ( WBMAHF )

Hall of Fame ( MAAOFI )

Hall of Fame ( AMASI )

10 th Degree Red Belt in Gendai Goshin Jutsu - Modern Self Defense

Senior Instructor Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement

Team DTLEO ( Team Defensive Tactics for Law Enforcement Officers )

Former Law Enforcement Officer

Master / Teacher Daniel Nadolski

9 th Dan Red Belt in Gendai Goshin Jutsu / Modern Self Defense

Master Daniel Nadolski is a former Investigator Cook County Sferiff and a Law Enforcement Tactics Instructor - Team DTLEO.


Master / Teacher Daniel Nadolski is also a teacher in the civilian sector of his proprietary Self-Defence program F.A.S.T (Fighting Arts Street Tactics) based on over four decades of experience in practicing various Martial Arts as well as his 30 years of service as a Investigator CookCounty Sheriff.He has trained, among others: Korean martial arts, Kali (Filipino martial arts) and Jeet Kune Do (JKD), Kick Boxing, American Catch Wrestling.

He also teaches modern self-defense according to his own F.A.S.T. program ( Fighting Arts Street Tactics ) based on four decades of Martial Arts experience and work as Investigator Cook County Sheriff.

Grzegorz Mikolajczyk

Nick name : Silent


Former Operator of the Counter-Terrorist Unit


Antiterrorism, Personal Security & Personal Protection Consultant.


Lecturer - Consultant of issues related to: real threats and survival.

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Organizer and speaker of security conferences and workshops.


Organizer of trainings and scientific conferences devoted to public safety.


"Red Tactics" consultant in special operations of the Army and Police.


Experience in martial arts and systems and firearms:


Boxing, Muay Thai / Thai Boxing, Sambo, MMA, Free Style Fighting, Combatives - CQC and CQB.


Shooting training instructor:

pistol, submachine gun, sub-machine gun, smoothbore gun.


Anti-terrorism consultant. He often appears on state and private television on the subject of anti-terrorism and terrorism as well as criminal terror.


Since January 2005, he has been a consultant to the newly established anti-terrorist unit in Poland.


From January 15, 2005, he was appointed as the Expert Court Team at the District Court in Wrocław as a specialist in the field of hand-to-hand combat and self-defense.


He was awarded the Cross of Merit for Bravery by the President of the Republic of Poland.


He has his own stunt group that takes part in film productions. Currently, he is involved in security consultancy. His people protect diplomats and businessmen. It also trains various units and services as well as the private sector dealing with personal protection.


On November 14, 2021, in the Hall of the International Book Fair - City: Katowice - Silesia - Poland, the promotion of his book entitled "Anti-terrorist".



Prince Carlos Augusto Ordonio de Barros

Doctorate of Philosophy in Martial Arts Science

10 th Degree Red Belt in Martial Arts

Master of the Martial Arts

Instructor Kapap Krav Panim El Panin

Face to Face Combat


Academy of Martial Arts Science

International Office - AMASIO


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